- Miklós H. Vecsei (QJÚB), Balázs Szabó (Szabó Balázs Bandája), Huba Ratkóczi(QJÚB)
Alongside the legendary songs they perform, the performers tell the story of the iconic guitarist-singer's life in the first person.
With lyrics by Géza Bereményi and Dénes Csengey, the lyrics were written and directed by László Bérczes, based on the conversation book: Miklós H. Vecsei
Music by Tamás Cseh, János Másik, János Novák
We tell the story of Tamás Cseh's life through László Bérczes' book, from his birth to his death, accompanied by more than 20 songs. For us, this is the most important thing... Tamás' character and memory are unique, a common denominator for all of us. We will not even attempt to interpret his way of performing, we will focus, as he asks us to do in the Conversation Book, on "speaking" and telling his story...
"GÉZA: And what would you say if I wrote to you?
TAMÁS: Even today I can see Géza's face as he leaned towards me.
GÉZA: Shall we try it?
TAMÁS: We can try it.
GÉZA: Where do you live?
TAMÁS: 35 School Street."
Running time: 100 minutes without a break