Born during the reform era: Mór Jókai and István Petőfi

2025.03.05. 18:00 - 19:00 Agora Chamber Theatre

The TIT Mihály Váci Mihály Literary Stage will present a taste of the poetry of the two authors.
Because Jókai, the "great Hungarian storyteller", born 200 years ago, and Sándor Petőfi's younger brother István (also) wrote poems!

Starring Réka Fejes, Brigitta Molnár, Imre Horváth and Gábor Felföldi, the producer of the show

The evening will be introduced by István Sashalmi, local historian

Free admission

Date and time

2025-03-05 from 18:00
2025-03-05 until 19:00


Agora Chamber Theatre