Cicaverzum // MMF

Cicaverzum // MMF

2024.06.13. 21:00 - 22:30 Agóra theatre hall Not recommended for children under 16 2023 | Feature film | 91 min Thirty-year-old Fáni (Franciska Törőcsik) is on the run from love, because if she likes a man, she immediately envisions his death. His environment...
Cicaverzum // MMF

Memento mori - The legend of Vac //MMF

2024.06.13. 19:00 - 20:15 Agóra theatre hall Open to all ages 2023 | TV movie | 69 min Workers are renovating the walls of the White Church when the walls collapse. The gaping hole leads to a chamber of secrets. The old...
Cicaverzum // MMF

Just sex and nothing else // MMF

2024.06.13. 16:30 - 18:00 Agóra theatre hall Not recommended for children under 16 2005 | Feature film | 93 min Dóra (Judit Schell), a theatre dramaturg, is 32 years old and she is looking forward to having a family and children. When she finds out that her boyfriend has a wife, she...
Cicaverzum // MMF

Csángó time // MMF

2024.06.13. 15:00 - 16:00 Agóra theatre hall Viewable regardless of age 2023 | TV film | 52 min József Czencz's documentary film, which also uses fictional elements, seeks to answer the question of how much time the Csángós have left to become Hungarian...
Cicaverzum // MMF

Hadik // MMF

2024.06.12. 21:30 - 23:15 Agóra theatre hall Not recommended for children under 12 2023 | Feature | 109 min 1757 András Hadik and his all-determined team carry out the most daring Hussar prank in history. During the Seven Years War, Hadik (Zsolt Trill)...