Gyere a parkba!

Come to the park!

2024.08.22. 15:30 - 21:00 Táborállás park Summer closing evenings in Táborállás park Stage programmes:17.00 Krisztián Grecsó and the Pici Szív Dance Orchestra: Belefér egy pici szívbe (It fits into a tiny heart) A children's performance that makes you sing, dance and laugh 18.30 Folklore afternoon - edited...
Mini Piknik

Mini Picnic

2024.08.21. 15:00 - 19:00 János Kálvin Park Come and spend a sporty, active afternoon with us in János Kálvin Park, where we will be waiting for you with the following activities and a real picnic atmosphere! 15.00 - 19.00Mobile adventure park, eurobungee - Adventure AcademyClimbing wallHunting -...
Nemzetközi Cigány Dal Napja

International Gypsy Song Day

2024.08.08. 18:00 - 22:00 Táborállás Park 18:00 - Napfonat Napfonat is an energetic, female a cappella group, which is filled with percussion instruments. An interweaving of five free voices that together create something more. Napfonat is a musical expression of Hungarian and other cultures...
XXXII. Rátóti Nap

XXXII Rátóti Day

2024.07.06. 09:00 - 23:45 Gyulafirátót, square next to the sports field Location. Timea Kecskés, Andrea Hatás and Csaba Zayzon18:00 Local groups...
Mini piknik – cirkuszi élményfoglalkozásokkal

Mini picnic - with circus activities

14.07.2024 15:00 - 19:00 16.00 - KISSING, WHERE IS THE WATER? - Mascot Puppet theatre performance from 15.00 to 19.00- Juggler's Playhouse- Aerial acrobatics- Craft programme- Juggling tools- Rope dance floor- Mascot playground- Face painting- Air clown- Selfie wall-...