Tudásforrás Szabadegyetem

Knowledge Source Free University

2024.05.27. 18:00 - 19:00 Agóra Chamber Theatre The Roaring Twenties after Trianon?Jazz, Charleston and the products of early mass culture in HungarySpeaker: Eszter Vámos (PhD) historian After the First World War in Hungary, the former bourgeois middle class was...
„Irány a Bakony!” ismeretterjesztő, természetjáró programsorozat

"Let's go to the Bakony!" educational, nature walking programme

2024.04.27. 09:00 - 17:00 CUHA - Valley tour We will explore the Cuha Valley, one of the most popular and beautiful nature trails in the Bakony, which will reveal many geological and vegetation curiosities along the way. You will have the opportunity to try rock climbing on a well-maintained track...
Kirándulás a Zirci Ciszterci Arborétumba

Excursion to the Cistercian Arboretum in Zirc

2024.05.25. 14:00 - 17:00 Cistercian Arboretum of Zirc The park, established in the style of an English garden in the historic environment of the Cistercian Abbey, is the highest collection of trees in Hungary, at an altitude of 400 metres above sea level.
Dózsavárosi Nyárköszöntő

Dózsavárosi Summer toast

2024.05.25. 10:00 - 22:00 Martinovics Square, Veszprém Let's welcome the coming summer together with a cavalcade of fun at Martinovics Square in Veszprém! What you can expect: 10.00 - Goulash cooking competition and football cup 10.00-18.00: preventive programmes of the Veszprém County...
„Irány a Bakony!” ismeretterjesztő, természetjáró programsorozat

"Let's go to the Bakony!" educational, nature walking programme

2024.05.12. 17:00 - 18:00 Kádártai Community House Sky Hunters - educational presentation about the world of birds The program includes a solo hunter presentation, and you can also admire several species of birds. The programme is free of charge.The programme is organised by the...