Operalegendák találkozója – Zenés talk-show

Meeting of the opera legends - Musical talk show

2024.04.18. 18:00 - 20:00 Agóra theatre Hall Salute to the queens and kings of sound! A musical, entertaining gift show, a talk show for two hours with many unexpected surprises, when we long for a woman, King Stephen arrives and Aida comes on stage for the...
Ha szeretsz, miért nem szeretsz?-irodalmi-pszichológiai est

If you love, why don't you love?-literary-psychological evening

11.04.2024.04. 18:30 - 20:00 Agóra Theatre Tickets:https://in-time.hu/e/veszprem-4323 "Is it possible to love in such a way that the other person is drowning, that his skin itches, that his stomach stings, that he cannot breathe? Is it possible to love the heart out of a man?"(Glass wall) "The real...
Mindentudó Ház

House of All Knowledge

19.03.2024 18:00 - 19:00 Agora Chamber Music History with Piano "Music has been evolving for thousands of years and has always been part of human life. Just as human history changes, music has evolved and for 600-700 years it has had a definite...