Inkubátor – Amatőr könnyűzenei estek

Incubator - Amateur popular music nights

2025.02.22. 19:00 - 20:00 Agóra Chamber Hall Fényhozó The incubator is a series of programmes at Agóra featuring amateur or undiscovered light musicians from Veszprém. In their words.
Főszerepben – Alföldi Róbert, Barabás Évi

Starring - Róbert Alföldi, Évi Barabás

2025.02.06. 19:00 - 20:15 Agóra theatre Tickets: also available for cash on the spot "In the main role" national tour with Róbert Alföldi and Eva Barabás Róbert Alföldi's latest book,...
Vecsei H. Miklós és a QJÚB

Miklós H. Vecsei and the QJÚB

2025.05.14. 19:00 - 21:00 Agóra theatre hall Seven dead beetles shine in her shaggy hair - Radnóti-evening Guest: Juhász Anna "What can war give us?" Today, when every news, every conversation, every affair, every turning away is about war, few...
A Magyar Kultúra Napja

The Day of Hungarian Culture

22.01.2025 17:00 - 19:30 Agóra 17.00 Opening of the 15th annual collective exhibition of the artists of the Budapest Gallery12 Association 18.00 Concert of the Antal Csermák Elementary Art School Free admission!We welcome all visitors to the...