Bódi Brothers - Winter Roadshow
2025.02.07. 18:00 - 19:45 Agóra theatre hall Tickets:...
Starring - Róbert Alföldi, Évi Barabás
2025.02.06. 19:00 - 20:15 Agóra theatre Tickets: https://in-time.hu/e/foszerepben-veszprem-250206Jegyek also available for cash on the spot "In the main role" national tour with Róbert Alföldi and Eva Barabás Róbert Alföldi's latest book,...
Miklós H. Vecsei and the QJÚB
2025.05.14. 19:00 - 21:00 Agóra theatre hall Seven dead beetles shine in her shaggy hair - Radnóti-evening Guest: Juhász Anna "What can war give us?" Today, when every news, every conversation, every affair, every turning away is about war, few...