"Diamond Time"
2024.10.25. 17:00 - 18:00 Agóra Chamber Theatre Book launch and Literary Evening from the latest poems of poet Erika Kanyár, teacher, performed by the TIT Mihály Váci Literary Stage. The author will talk about her literary career. All interested are welcome!The entrance fee is...
House of All Knowledge
29.10.2024.10.29. 18:00 - 19:00 Agóra Chamber Hall From Pentaton to Bartók - the history of Hungarian musicPresented by Attila Kovács pianist The lecture traces the specific development of Hungarian music. The melodic world that emerged from the misty past, from the...
Hilarious literary cabaret - TIT Mihály Váci Literary Stage
2024.10.10. 18:00 - 19:00 Agora Chamber Theatre "Man serves, woman performs "The hilarious literary cabaret presented in September will be repeated by the members of the TIT Mihály Váci Literary Stage. During the evening, the audience will hear a selection of 20th century Hungarian literature...