Elsősegélynyújtó tanfolyam

First aid course

2025.03.08. 09:00 - 15:00 Agóra Room 5 General basic knowledge; professional care of injuries and wounds; haemostasis; theoretical and practical methods of basic CPRThis practice-oriented course does not provide a qualification, but it does provide professional knowledge. A...
Paracord Műhely

Paracord Workshop

11.03.2025 17:00 - 19:00 Agora Let's make bracelets and tricolor cockades! The session will be held by Emese Szántó. Participation fee: 3.900 Ft You can register and send your interest to Anett Ambrus at ambrusanett@agoraveszprem.hu or call 88/429-111...
Sokszorosító grafikai tanfolyam II.

Duplicating Graphic Design Course II.

09.04.2025 17:00 - 19:00 Agora 2025.04.09. - 28.05. every Wednesday between 17:00 and 19:00In the first half of the 8-session course, students will learn how to create monotypes, mixed graphics techniques, and in the second half, they will learn...
Kosárfonó tanfolyam kezdők részére

Basket weaving course for beginners

11.02.2025 17:00 - 19:15 Agora In the 36-hour (12 sessions) basket weaving course, participants can learn the basics of basket weaving and gain insight into the world of the profession.From 11 February 2025, Tuesdays from 17:00 to 19:15.Participation fee: 40.000 HUF (the price...
Paracord Műhely

Paracord Workshop

11.02.2025 17:00 - 19:00 Agora Let's make a Valentine's Day bracelet! The session will be held by Emese Szántó, craftswoman. Participation fee: 3.900 HUFFor more information and to register please contact Anett Ambrus at ambrusanett@agoraveszprem.hu or call 88/429-111...