DONE! Folk carving course for beginners I.
2025.02.06. 17:00 - 20:00 Agora The course is full, we can not accept any more applicants! From 6 February 2025, every Thursday from 17:00 to 20:00 (10 sessions) Ten suitable carving courses will be held on Bakony shepherd carving and Szentgál carving...
Paracord Workshop
21.01.2025 17:00 - 19:00 Agóra room 212 Let's make a double globe knot together! Participation fee: 3.900 HUF You can register and send your interest to Anett Ambrus at ambrusanett@agoraveszprem.hu or at the following e-mail address:...
DONE! Basket weaving course for beginners
2025.01.29. 17:00 - 19:15 Agóra From 29 January 2025, on Wednesdays, basket weaving course for beginnersThe course is full, we can not accept any more applicants! In this 36-hour (12 sessions) basket weaving course, participants will learn the basics of basket weaving and...