Fictional Renaissance séance

2024.03.22. 18:00 - 19:00 Agóra Veszprém Cultural Center

- performed by the TIT Mihály Váci Literary Stage
in memory of William Shakespeare,
Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio, Janus Pannonius, Pierre de Ronsard, Miguel de Cervantes, Bálint Balassi

The cast of the TIT Mihály Váci Literary Stage performance:
Annamária Battyányi-Nagy, Nikoletta Börcsök, Dóra Burger,
Fejes Réka, Szilágyi Anna, Márta Attila and
Gábor Felföldi, the producer of the show

Free admission

Date and time

2024-03-22 from 18:00
2024-03-22 until 19:00


Agóra Veszprém Cultural Center