If you love, why don't you love?-literary-psychological evening

2024.04.11. 18:30 - 20:00 Agora Theatre Hall

"Is it possible to love in such a way that the other person is drowning, that his skin itches, that his stomach stings, that he can't breathe? Is it possible to love the guts out of a man?"
"Real love is also dependence. Dependence also has a beautiful meaning. But in loving dependence, the focus is on meeting each other's needs, not on one person defining the other as part of themselves, or themselves as a set of others." (The Greatest Book on Narcissism)

In this literary-psychological evening, writer Sarolta Dobray, author of the novel The Glass Wall, and psychiatrist György Bánki, author of The Greatest Book on Narcissism, will discuss the "abusive relationships" so often referred to today. Abuse is one of the most intangible relational harms, if only because it can often poison our lives slowly, almost imperceptibly, without any physical violence. If we look around us - or within ourselves - we can see that, to a greater or lesser extent, almost everyone is affected in one way or another. If we notice... The pattern of abuse is unrecognisable to the untrained eye. To the unsuspecting person, what is really happening to them is opaque, why the air around them is running out, what is gradually draining their vitality, what is making them feel insecure, often to the point where they hardly know themselves.

What are these complex dynamics? How is it built? Where does it lead? How dangerous is it? Is there a way out? In a relationship - even in a marriage that seems perfect from the outside - why does one partner wake up with a growing thirst for breath and feel the ground of reality slowly slipping away?
Why does one do it? Why does the other let you? What is this dance that often spins until unconsciousness? Is it love, love that drives it? Or is it the opposite of all of these...?
Why do we choose whom we choose, often seemingly blindly? And where does narcissism come in?
These are the questions we seek to answer, at one point with the participation of the public.

At the end of the talk, the two books will be available for purchase at a discount and the authors will be happy to sign them.

Date and time

2024-04-11 from 18:30
2024-04-11 until 20:00


Agora Theatre Hall