Excursion to the Cistercian Arboretum in Zirc

2024.05.25. 14:00 - 17:00 Cistercian Arboretum of Zirc

The park, created in the style of an English garden in the historic environment of the Cistercian Abbey, is the highest collection of trees in Hungary, at an altitude of 400 metres above sea level. It offers a splendid view and a pleasant refreshment in all seasons.

Travel to Zirk is on an individual basis. Meeting at 14:00 at the entrance of the Abbey courtyard (Rákóczi tér 1.).

Please send an e-mail to kadarta@agoraveszprem.hu or gyulafiratot@agoraveszprem.hu to register your interest.

Detailed information about the programmes can be found on the facebook pages of the Kádártai Community House and the Gyulafirátóti Cultural Centre!

The programmes are supported by the National Cultural Fund

Date and time

2024-05-25 from 14:00
2024-05-25 until 17:00


Cistercian Arboretum of Zirc