House of All Knowledge

2025.02.25. 18:00 - 19:00 Agora Chamber Theatre

Star Wars and the world of astronomy

Speaker: Ferenc Ivanics, President of the Bakony Astronomical Association
Star Wars is one of the world's best-known fantasy stories. What does an entertaining film made by fantasists have to do with reality or science? At first glance, not much. But under the veneer of imagination, the Star Wars universe can still be explored from a scientific perspective. The presentation will show the formation and evolution of planets through the most famous locations of this cult film series. Questions such as: why is the asteroid belt of the Hoth planetary system so dense? Can habitable planets exist in binary star systems? Does Tatooine exist somewhere?

Free admission to the event
Venue: chamber theatre

Date and time

2025-02-25 from 18:00
2025-02-25 until 19:00


Agora Chamber Theatre