Mini Picnic

2024.08.21. 15:00 - 19:00 János Calvin Park

Come and spend a sporty, active afternoon with us in János Kálvin Park, where we have the following activities and a real picnic atmosphere!

☀️15.00 - 19.00
Mobile adventure park, eurobungee - Adventure Academy
Masonry wall
Archery - Archery Association of Öskü
Handicraft products fair
☀️16.00 - 19.00
Segway - Segway Movement Group Veszprém-Gyulafirátót

☀️16.00 Magic Dance Sports Club presentation

☀️16.15 Joint training for kindergarten and school children
They dance to the music of fairy tales familiar to children, using the gymnastics form book. We welcome parents to move with the children!
Led by Vanda Karbi
☀️17.00 Veszprém Cheerleaders show
☀️17.15 Joint training for school children and adults
A dynamic, dance-like, choreographed class that combines basic aerobic moves with Latin, show moves and a sense of life. Music is upbeat, stress relieving! Let's move together! Shape and mood!
Led by Vanda Karbi
☀️16.00 - 18.00 airtrack trial

☀️17.00-18.30 Therapeutic assistance with dogs assisted activity programme with the staff of the Dogs with Children Foundation (dog obstacle course, round games with dogs)

Participation is free of charge.
Venue: Agóra Veszprém Cultural Centre

Date and time

2024-08-21 from 15:00
2024-08-21 until 19:00


János Calvin Park