International Gypsy Song Day

2024.08.08. 18:00 - 22:00 Campsite park

18:00 - Napfonat

Napfonat is an energetic, female a cappella ensemble, which is completed with percussion instruments. An interweaving of five free voices that together form something more. Napfonat reaches down to the common musical core of Hungarian and other peoples' cultures, while their own songs are a fresh reflection on the world within and around them. Their polyphonic unity sometimes sounds with a power reminiscent of a choir, at other times a soft individual voice comes to the fore. The harmony of the five is accompanied by an elemental rhythm.

MEMBERS: Heni Szalay, Anita Szarka, Eszter Tóth, Orsi Tóth and Krisztina Volkova.

19:00 - Mosaico Flamenco

The artists involved want to show the diversity of the flamenco genre, where the details of the dances and songs fit together like pieces of a stained glass window. The lyricism of the melodies, the poetry of the lyrics and the drama of the movements are elements of atmosphere that, when put together, give the whole picture. The members of Mosaico flamenco have previously performed and danced together in a variety of line-ups and on a number of occasions. Their aim is to bring the intimate atmosphere of a-flamenco concerts, a special blend of tradition and improvisation, and the passion of flamenco. The participants are not only in intimate contact with music and dance, but they are able to bring this passionate real-play land to life in such a way that we can experience all the colours, smells and stories of Andalusia. An evening like this is a unique and unrepeatable encounter between music, dance and the audience. Flamenco only works together.

Our international team members are Mónica Clavijo Barroso (ES) - vocals, Péter Girán - guitar, Beáta Bajnay - dance

20:00 - Ham Ko Ham

Ham Ko Ham means "We are who we are"!

The band consists of 4 members. Csaba Ábri on guitar, Levente Balázs on lead vocals, Sándor Duke Balázs on cajon and vocals and Salamon Rétháti on bass and vocals. This is how the band Ham Ko Ham is formed, who focus on authentic gypsy music. Ham Ko Ham is a reflection of the young people's personality and their carefree music-making, which defines their musicianship and their performances. With the necessary modesty and optimum self-confidence, Ham Ko Ham started off in the X-Factor with the aim of reaching as high a level as possible. In the sixth season of the popular music talent show, the members of the Hodász foursome, who were also linked to Biri because they had previously attended the Pista Danko school, have grown into a very special mentor to ByeAlex, a native of Lichteslitke. In the live show, they put on a top-class performance week after week, finally making it to the final four. Their credo is to breathe with the music. Their music exudes deep sincerity, heartfeltness and dynamism. The musicians defy their age and fill their performances with mature emotion. They are fully engaged in the music. They are never out of tune or out of movement. Music is not for the eyes, but for the heart and ears. An inner hearing that the outside world would dearly love to make deaf. Their music is not just about emotion. As passionate as it becomes, it always has form, balance, a logical flow, a structure. Their musical repertoire is mainly based on authentic gypsy music, mostly in the Roma language. In addition, they do not reject more modern styles of music. Just as their folklore, their music is not lacking in the desire to discover the truth. Truth and joy - there is no one without the other. Through guitar, piano, bass guitar, canta, kayon, tambourine and vocals, they make real music.

21:00 - Kalyi Jag + guest: Bocskor Bíborka (Magashegyi Underground)

More than four decades ago, Gusztáv Varga had a dream: to sing and write songs in his native language, Gypsy, for the first time in Europe. He created the Kalyi Jag (Black Fire) Ensemble, whose fame spread like wildfire around the world, and they became a worldwide success in one fell swoop. After numerous world tours and platinum albums, they continue their mission as ambassadors of the most original Gypsy folk music. The legendary Kalyi Jag Ensemble has developed an unmistakable style that sets them apart from all other Gypsy bands. They are distinguished not only by their excellent vocal talents and inimitable virtuoso instrumental techniques, but also by their extraordinary 45 years of experience on stage.

The concerts are free of charge.

Venue: Veszprém, Táborállás park
Venue: the Agóra theatre in Veszprém


International Gypsy Song Day

  1. 8 August.
    6 countries - 15 venues - 50 bands
    Budapest - Szentendre - Csobánka - Százhalombatta - Hatvan - Ravazd - Veszprém - Balatonboglár - Pécs - Nagyecsed - Bulgaria - Spain - Germany - Slovakia - Romania

Chief organiser: International Gypsy and World Music Network
Artistic Director: Mihály Rostás "Mazsi"
Sponsors: Kisfaludy2030 Tourism Development Nonprofit Zrt, Visit Hungary, MOL - New Europe Foundation, NKA - National Cultural Fund

  1. On 8 August - the birthday of the legendary northern Macedonian singer Esma Redžepova - the third International Gypsy Song Day will be held. This year, 15 venues in six countries will take part in the event, with 50 bands performing at home and abroad, at the initiative of Mihály "Mazsi" Rostás (founder and bandleader of the bands Lakatos Mónika and Romengo and MazsiMó - GipsyMó). The face of the event is Mónika Lakatos, Kossuth- and WOMEX lifetime achievement award-winning Roma singer. The International Day of Gypsy Song celebrates diversity with the participation of legendary Gypsy and non-Gypsy artists, with an ever-expanding range of venues and programmes. In 2024, the International Gypsy and World Music Network will be hosting free concerts in ten Hungarian cities and five foreign venues, with nearly 50 bands performing in 2024. From flamenco to Balkan brass bands, Gypsy listeners to jazz rhythms, we will be enchanted by the vitality, dynamism and depth of Gypsy culture. The organisers encourage everyone to immerse themselves in unforgettable musical experiences to better understand and experience not only Gypsy culture but also our own cultural diversity.
    One of Europe's most colourful and richest nationalities, the Roma have an unrivalled and still thriving musical culture, which has contributed to the development of European music culture at many points in history. There is no other ethnic group present in all the countries of the Union, and so the Roma are a very important cohesive force in the European community. Gypsy culture is unmistakably its own, but it also reflects the characteristics of the nations that come into contact with it. From the elegance of Spanish flamenco to the captivating power of Serbian brass bands, it can embrace the whole of Europe and the world, promoting Roma customs, language and an endless joy of life. One of the most precious parts of their culture is the one that has flourished with the Hungarian nation for centuries, bearing fruit in the form of Gypsy music in restaurants, Ola-Gypsy music and dance, and Hungarian folk music with strings.
    Mihály "Mazsi" Rostás, the initiator, artistic director and main organizer of the Gypsy Song Day, has performed in four continents and more than thirty countries in the past decades as the leader and manager of the Kossuth Prize and Womex Lifetime Achievement Award winner Mónika Lakatos and the Romengo orchestra. Experiencing and speaking Gypsy with Gypsy music festivals and Gypsy bands from different countries, he founded the International Gypsy Song Day, a niche initiative and the International Gypsy and World Music Network, which is active in many areas of international Gypsy music cooperation.

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Date and time

2024-08-08 from 18:00
2024-08-08 until 22:00


Campsite park