Last updated: 28 March 2024.
The Agóra Veszprém Cultural Centre (hereinafter: Agóra Veszprém) is committed to ensuring the continuous accessibility of the website in accordance with the national legislation transposing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Act LXXV of 2018 on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Organisations (hereinafter: Honlap tv.).
This accessibility statement applies to the website
Compliance status
The content published on the Agóra Veszprém website from 01 March 2024 is accessible in accordance with the provisions of the Website Act, however, with the following few exceptions, the website only partially complies with the legal requirements.
Content not accessible
Agóra Veszprém strives to make the content of its website as fully accessible as possible within the shortest possible time.
The content listed below is not accessible:
Statistical reports, elementary budgets, annual budget reports, audit reports and third-party site elements, produced before 1 March 2024 and published on the website.
The reason for the lack of accessibility:
The general rules on access to data of public interest are laid down in Articles 26 - 27 of the Info Act, which lay down the content and form requirements, including the signature of the certifying signatories of the reports. The above reports are authentic documents on paper. On the Agóra Veszprém website, non-obstructed copies of the original documents, certified by the signatures of the reporters, have been published.
The operator has no control over third-party site elements (e.g. Google Recaptha, Program Calendar filter fields).
Accessible alternatives
Agóra Veszprém undertakes, as an accessible alternative, to prepare and make available to the user an accessible PDF version of the content specified by the user, based on the user's individual request, within 15 days of receipt of the request, if technically possible. The Authority shall send the accessible PDF to the user or replace the non-accessible version published on the website with an accessible version.
Preparing the accessibility statement
The original version of this statement was prepared on 28 March 2023, based on the self-evaluation of the Agóra Veszprém Cultural Centre.
Feedback and contact details
Possible non-compliance can be reported by email to or by post. The Agóra Veszprém Cultural Centre Secretariat is responsible for processing notifications sent through the feedback mechanism. According to Article 4 (2) of the Website Act, the Authority is obliged to respond to the notification within 30 days.
Enforcement procedure
The detailed rules of the accessibility audit are set out in Government Decree 162/2019 (VII. 5.).
Control body: Government Information Technology Development Agency
Head office: 1134 Budapest, Váci út 35.
Address for correspondence: 1134 Budapest, Váci út 35.
Customer service: +36 1 450 3070
On the basis of a notification, the inspection body shall carry out an accessibility inspection if the person submitting the notification or request does not receive a satisfactory response within the time limit set out in Paragraph (2) of Section 4 of the Website Act.
In case of violation of the accessibility requirements of the Website Act, the Website Act. 5 (2), the inspection body shall carry out an inspection on the basis of a request or ex officio.
Official approval
I hereby approve this accessibility statement:
Neveda Amália
Veszprém, 28 March 2024.