Suggestive performances, songs full of deep emotion, a phenomenon on the border between sensuality and passion.
Over the past two years, ZÓRA has enchanted audiences in Budapest and in the countryside.
In Veszprém in 2023, we saw Zóra for the first time on the Gizella Days, on the stage of the Castle, and now on 12 October we can meet her again in the Agóra theatre.
The Los Angeles and Hungary-based Fonogram award-winning singer-songwriter Zóra Urbányi drew attention to herself in 2021 with her hit cover of László Kollár-Klemencz's Iszom a bort (I drink wine). The success of the recording, which reached millions of plays on YouTube, was quickly followed by her own songs and sold-out concerts.
His music revolves around avant-pop, alternative and cinematic soundscapes, constantly pushing the boundaries of genre. Whether solo piano or in an orchestral setting, the sound and experience is very special, intimate and immediate. Zórás.