Ervin Nagy - THE KING, THE COUNT AND THE TEACHER - performance and audience meeting

2024.03.19. 18:30 - 19:40 Agora Theatre Hall

TV presenter Edit Varga talks to Ervin Nagy about his recently published book of interviews: life, love, childhood, politics, art and intellectualism.
At the end of the performance, the audience will have a PUBLIC TALK:
- common photo
- buying books
- book signing

Gergely Péterfy: NAGY ERVIN - The King, the Count and the Teacher
This book began as a private conversation between Gergely Péterfy and Ervin Nagy about life, love, childhood, politics, art and intellectuals - until, at the encouragement of family members, they decided to record the conversations. The book is a condensed, edited version of a conversation between friends across years and countries.
"If I have to put it very simply about myself, I can say that perhaps I know better than others that as a man I dare to lose myself emotionally. And I dare to show that I am lost, because I know that there is always a return. It's probably that male emotional security I got from my father that makes me so strong that it's not a bit embarrassing to me. The sensitive, emotional part of me has been there since birth. I haven't got the masculine part yet because I haven't gotten into my skin yet, I think I probably reached my travelling height at about 35-37, post-divorce."
Ervin Nagy was born in Dunaújváros on 25 September 1976. Jászai Mari Prize-winning actor, television personality and producer. His greatest successes to date have been as an actor at the Katona József Theatre and in the company of Béla Pintér, and in the leading roles in the television series The Bridge Man, Treasure, The Teacher and The King.

Date and time

2024-03-19 from 18:30
2024-03-19 until 19:40


Agora Theatre Hall