Data of public interest
Basic data:
Name of the institution: Agóra Veszprém Cultural Center
Abbreviated name: Agóra Veszprém Cultural Centre
Central and mailing address: 8200 Veszprém, Táborállás Park 1.
Central telephone numbers: +36 88 429 111; +36 88 442 457; +36 88 561 271
Central e-mail address:
Central web address:
Name of the head of the institution: Neveda Amália
Institution maintainer: The Municipality of the City of Veszprém
Supervisory body: Municipality of the City of Veszprém - 8200 Veszprém, Óváros tér 9
Nature of the institution: Public cultural institution
Former name of the institution: Agóra Veszprém City Cultural Centre (Change: from 15.11.2018)
Handling notifications related to data of public interest and data protection:
Szalay - Vankó Hajnal:
Veszprém public data portal:
Downloadable documents - Regulations:
- Organisational and Operational Rules
Downloadable documents - Professional reports, work plans:
Downloadable documents - Statistics:
- Statistics 2022 - Agóra Veszprém Cultural Centre
- Statistics 2022 - Kádártai Community House
- Statistics 2022 - Gyulafirátót Community Centre
- Statistics 2023 - Agóra Veszprém Cultural Centre
Downloadable documents - Budget:
Downloadable documents - Reports:
- Audit report Internal control system 2019
Downloadable documents - Public procurement: